Here is a small space for me to share and try to discuss what i come across in everything culture. I want to reach out way more and really see and taste new genres, styles and vibes.  Something that has striked me recently is clay movies - so striking and so exspressfull and i love the way it reaches the life philosophy of " sillyness/enjoyment of the present".


I really want to read something that inspires me, paints my world and makes me forget time and my own world In all honesty, it dosent feel like i have been reading much at all. Prob because i have been reading things very shallowy and havent found anything super interetsing yeeet..

Dostovesky- I have read a few of Dostos works. My favorite is The idiot. I love his way of really asking questions and rolling out complex ideas trough such a fluent way of writing. Its like him giving away free, smart thoughts for your own mind to nibble on. Currently reading Demons

Sum books:

Walden was a very calming book to read. It is about the authour (Thoreau) that decides to live away in the woods in a small cabin he built from himself, as solitary and as cheap as possible. It has philosophical ramblings about how society dirties the soul of the individual pepole and also descriptions to how he lived that way he lived.There is literally a whole chapter about growing beans.The writing was so intruiging and fluent that it motivated and made me want to try to write as well, but i sometimes got bored and skipped some parts lol. The philosophy was Very striking to me because of his talk about individualism shaped by chosen principles that exist trough art, and a leisure time spent in nature and in contemplation.

Interesting readings :

1) What a facinating and intoxicating way of writing. Filled with separated paragaphs one can read at any time. I will mentally remind myself to put down some quotes.
2) Prob the biggest documented case of schitzo mentall ilness by the pantient himself. What facinated me here was his utter exsplainatory way of descring things around him that just made sense. his Crazyness just made sense and it made me wonder about how the ways we also interpet
3) How our eye interpets Art and how Art sees the eye


I absolutley loved these movies! This also clay movie was so strikingly well put.This movie made me feel grateful for the power we have now to reach out and connect with anyone, and made me feel ungrateful for not really using that potential.--> I dont like what they have done to the newer despicable me movies.-okay, i am older sure, but now it seems like the newer movies have lost a lot of what the older movies had. It feels more like cheap plastic and full of jokes and hints to "the present societies" and pepole which is the proof that the creators just wanted the movie to be inportant in the present now, they are loosing passion and it seems like it is chasing something else. This in all makes me somewhat wonder about the perfect balance is for enjoyment/passion and work/profit in cinema.


I enjoy to thrill-thrall trough new albums and music genres too! Listening to the same music all the time can get tiering and repetitive and i guess i just dont want to end up inside a small box. The thing is that i yet have little idea how to properly categorize the music- making a ton of spotify playlists seems too scrambel-y.And well, i gotta make some sort of rutine where i listen to some new album... Music seems like a part i should slowly expslore as well...slowly,,very... Article -AboutExsploring new music

Ever by IQ - I started listening more to this once when i moved to a huge City and I inhadvertly started a ritual in always litening to some of the songs while on my morning walk









"I delight to come to my bearings,—not walk in procession with pomp and parade, in a conspicuous place, but to walk even with the Builder of the universe, if I may,—not to live in this restless, nervous, bustling, trivial Nineteenth Century, but stand or sit thoughtfully while it goes by."- Henry David Thoreau, Walden